Used to be an NSFW artist, but now I'm mostly a gamedev student. I might post the occasional doodle or game prototype every now and then

Age 21, Male

nothing lol


Hightower, New Mexico

Joined on 4/29/21

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treeese's News

Posted by treeese - August 2nd, 2023

Hey, folks. Long time no see.

I've finally gotten to the part of my summer break where everyone in my family is either at work or at school, but I've still got ~a month and half of break left because my college is weird.

This means I will be home, by myself, all goddamn day long. Because of this impending extreme boredom, I want to start a new series of gamedev streams on my twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/treeese_) to help pass the time and get some gamedev/Unreal practice before heading back to school.

So I come to you to ask: what kind of game should I make? I'm speaking in terms of gameplay type, such as a schmup, FPS, fighting game, etc. I need an idea of what to make before I can make it, so I'm crowdsourcing for ideas.



Posted by treeese - August 10th, 2022

Hey, everyone. Been a while, huh? Well, I'm just dropping this newspost to say that I've started live streaming every now and then! I mostly plan on doing game design streams, but I might also stream some games and stuff like Isaac and TF2. I'd really really love it if ya'll could drop in, maybe even follow the channel, this looks like it's going to be a fun little side activity to keep me occupied during the remainder of the summer.

Anyways, here's the link to the stream. I'm currently in the middle of a game design stream, so come on by!







Posted by treeese - March 31st, 2022

Yep, I'm 19 now. Unfortunately I didn't really get much of a chance to have a big party/celebration since I'm at college, so I didn't really get much in the way of presents, but who knows, maybe it'll happen sometime later.

Anyways, not much else to say than that. Sorry I've been relatively inactive as of late, I've just been super busy with college. I'm taking a second Drawing class this quarter, which I'm kind of dreading, but at least I'll have more stuff to post. I'm also FINALLY taking a game design class, which is, you know, my MAJOR. Granted it's a Game Aesthetics class, so it's more about game art than actual gameplay design (which is what I want to do) but I'm at least grateful I get to finally do something related to what I'm here for.

But, yeah, that's all I can think to say. Have a good one folks, and happy birthday to me, I guess.


Posted by treeese - November 29th, 2021

Hey, sorry for being inactive for so long, as you may know from the previous news post, I've been at college for a while, so I haven't exactly had time to draw for leisure and post stuff here on NG (plus I'm in the middle of a crippling several-month-long art block, there's that too).

College wasn't that bad. The classes were simultaneously really frustrating and very enlightening, while I learned a ton about shit like drawing and general artistic design, I also got pretty embarrassingly frustrated at a lot of assignments. My roommates blew, they're super loud and are just generally really lame, dudebro-ish "normies" with whom I can form essentially no meaningful connection, so that sucks. The food situation kinda blew, going into downtown Atlanta to restock supplies blew, not really having any friends or people I knew closely blew...a lot of it sucked, to be frank, but it wasn't really like an awful experience or anything, and I don't necessarily dread returning nearly as much as I did when I was about to go there for the first time.

Anyways, I can't say if I'll get back to regularly posting my usual content, any motivation for drawing has essentially gone down the toilet, and actually learning how to draw properly has made doing things with a mouse like how I used to pretty much unbearable, but for now, I'm just going to try to post the stuff I made during my time there, going week by week. Most of it will just be the charcoal drawings I made in Drawing 100, but I might have some stuff from my Design class that I can share additionally.

That's all.


Posted by treeese - September 9th, 2021

It's finally time, I just moved into my dorm earlier today. I've not had a great day, I'm stressed, I have an upset stomach, I'm tired, and worst of all, I'm lonely. I live in this weird "pod" of 4 dorms, each with 2 people. That's right, I'm surrounded 7 complete strangers, the only familiar faces being an hour and a half drive away in a car I don't have. I just...have nothing and nobody to turn to, I've only been here for a few hours and I already miss home, I already want to go back.

I'm sure this is just initial homesickness that I'll get over in a few days, but man, I don't remember the last time I've felt this low. So many things to worry about, to prepare for, to FUCKING WORRY ABOUT.

Idk man, I'm just stressed. Stressed and scared. I just wanted to vent a little bit.

Posted by treeese - August 26th, 2021

I'm a bit late on posting this, but I made another video review, this one on ULTRAKILL. I think it's really good and you should go check it out.

(Oh yeah also the game's dev commented on the video and said he liked it AAAAAA)


Link 2 da vid: https://youtu.be/7smrxgfTHO0


Posted by treeese - August 8th, 2021

I decided I wanted a way to share the writing I've made that was better than directly linking the Google Doc, so I made a Wattpad account where all of my writing will be able to be found going forward. I don't have it all on there currently, just my first two short stories, but the rest will come at some point.

Go check it out, I guess.


Posted by treeese - July 16th, 2021

My original plan was to gradually release this document in chunks on the forums, but I just kept forgetting to update it. By this point it's been too long and I've given up on the progressive release strategy, so here's the document in full. I'll probably do the same for my other mega document for a series idea we came up with in dramatic writing.


Posted by treeese - July 10th, 2021

I had a pretty fun vacation, overall. The weather was positively gorgeous, save for a few days where it was really hot. I got to see family members I haven't seen in at least 2 years, which was nice. It was cool to see some different kinds of geography and wildlife again, while Georgia is on average pretty damn gorgeous, Wisconsin is its own kind of beautiful. The flatness and orderliness of everything is kinda uncanny to be honest, coming from the rolling hills and winding roads of the Piedmont, but still...beautiful.

Since my degeneracy era began in the period between my last visit and now, whenever we went to a tourist attraction I scoped out the workers/other patrons to see how many cute girls there were, mostly as an experiment to study the difference in gene pools between here and back home, and aside from a tour guide at a cave who, while pretty attractive, had a horrendously irritating voice...I largely came up empty. I noticed that the people here in general are not that good-looking in general. Maybe when I get home I'll notice the same thing, but man, there were more wide foreheads and long noses than you could shake a stick at.

So yeah, shallow critique of random strangers' appearances aside, let's go through everything, or at least as much as I can remember.

We drove up (which took 2 days and sucked ass) and arrived at around 8 o'clock. I got to see my grandmother and her dog (who rocks). We hung around there for a bit. While we were there my cousin (who had transitioned into being male since I last saw...him) visited a few times, though I didn't talk to him much, partially because he just gets along with my little brother really well so he was occupied with him, partially because he's just kind of cringy and really into all sorts of normie shit like TikTok and whatnot, and partially because of the whole different gender thing which, while I'm perfectly fine with it, it doesn't OFFEND me or anything, it just made the idea of talking to him sorta awkward, and me being the social coward that I am, I just largely ignored him, though it didn't seem like he really minded, he was mostly occupied with playing Roblox with my brother. It was remarkable to see how effective the hormones he's been using have been, his voice is much deeper than how I remember it being the last time I saw him and has that distinct "male" sound to it, and he's actually managed to sprout a bit of a beard, which, I'm gonna be honest, didn't know was even possible, but apparently it is! Which I think is rad for him, that modern medicine allows him to live how he truly views himself.

Anyways, moving on. (sorry I talked for so long about my cousin, living where I do, that is, a sub-10,000 population podunk town in Georgia, I've never really met a trans person before (or really any LGBTQ people for that matter, save for like 2 gay guys in high school that I've talked to a total of like 20 times), at least to my knowledge, so it was a new experience for me). We arrived on July 2nd. On the 3rd /4th I think we didn't do much aside from visit the Summer Farmer's Market in the middle of Madison (which is a dope ass city btw) and eat Mexican with my great aunt, who's always a hoot. I think this was also when my cousin visited for the first time, maybe my uncle as well. On the 6th we went to the cave I mentioned earlier. It was this sick ass limestone cave that was super cold. I grapped a ton of pics, here are some highlights.iu_353742_9137726.webpiu_353744_9137726.webpiu_353743_9137726.webp

On the 6th we went to a geology/rock museum, which was super cool as I used to be really into rock collecting. They had some absolutely NUTTY samples, so I also got some sweet pictures there.iu_353750_9137726.webpiu_353749_9137726.webpiu_353751_9137726.webpiu_353752_9137726.webpiu_353754_9137726.webp

And then we ate lunch at this pizza chain that only really exists in the Midwest, and while the pizza was dogshit the restaurant itself was...interestingly decorated, to say the least (also it had a really cool arcade with tons of classic machines like Vs. Mario Bros., DK Jr., House of the Dead 2, Primal Rage, etc. I couldn't focus on the mediocre pizza because I was busy gawking at history lol).


We usually go there every time we visit WI because my dad is really nostalgic for it, but...like, the food is ass, man. Tears up your innards, too.

On the 7th we went to a botanical garden (or a "Bionicle garden" as my brother put it) and it was pretty lame ngl, but at least there was this golden building and an AC-130 flew overhead. Combined with the fact that we were all tired and hungry as fuck, this was...one if the shittier trips, to say the least.iu_353791_9137726.webp

After that I think we went to a cheese shop and petting zoo, which was fun. They had a house full of cats and kittens, which pretty much validated the whole day.

I think the 8th was a chill day, we just sat around the house. I think later in the day we had a fire out back using the fire ring my dad made for my grandmother, and hung out with my great aunt, uncle, and cousin's brother, which was fun.

Yesterday we visited my grandfather and went to the Discovery Center in Milwaukee, a sort of cool science museum. It was nice to see him, he's much more...charmingly old than my grandmother, who is unusually hip and modern for her age. Milwaukee was beautiful too, the wind coming from Lake Michigan was *mwah* beautiful.

And here I am today, on the tenth. Currently on the way home. I did some other stuff computer wise during the whole time, I bought a bunch of games on Steam courtesy of the Summer Sale, and found some good titles like Rhythm Doctor, The Messenger, Hell is Other Demons, and some Behemoths titles like Castle Crashers and BB Theater. I replayed Ultrakill again (which is soooooooo fucking good, please play it), this time trying to go through the game and get P-ranks on all the levels. I managed to get them all and fought Minos Prime, which was probably one of the best and hardest boss fights I've ever played. That game is seriously goated as fuck.

But...yeah. That's been my vacation in Wisconsin. I probably forgot a ton of stuff, but it doesn't matter. I should get back to drawing/content creation soon now that I actually have privacy.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by treeese - July 7th, 2021

Yep, that's right! The big 1 grand! Actually managed to screenshot the exact number.


I accredit it to the arbitrary explosion of this random Smash clip as well as the positive reception for my Everhood review, but it's still exciting. I'm really happy about it, reaching this number opens quite a few options, like monetization and the community tab, which I look forward to in particular.

So...yeah. It's a relatively arbitrary milestone, but I still thought I'd announce it and celebrate it here.

Channel in question: https://youtube.com/channel/UCO9ots11ee1FX1VtuMn631A