Used to be an NSFW artist, but now I'm mostly a gamedev student. I might post the occasional doodle or game prototype every now and then

Age 21, Male

nothing lol


Hightower, New Mexico

Joined on 4/29/21

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treeese's News

Posted by treeese - July 1st, 2021

Me and my folks are taking a trip to Wisconsin, and I'm...not as excited as I usually would be.

Usually I love going to Wisconsin, it's absolutely gorgeous during the summer, I get to visit the relatives I have up there which I never get to see, etc. It's usually pretty fun.

But! There's a catch! For you see, we aren't flying to Wisconsin, no no no. We're driving. Ordinarily one might say, "Oh, that isn't that bad, it's at worst a several hour drive through a state or two."


So...yeah. Looks like I'll be in CBT-hell-land for the next 2 days. Wish me luck I guess, because this...this is gonna suck. Big time.

It's ironic, too, because I've been considering making a news post about how good things have been going as of late, at least online, which is still technically true. My YouTube channel's been popping off courtesy of YouTube arbitrarily mass-recommending an old Smash clip to people, I've finally fulfilled a dream of mine and made a video essay/review (which is doing pretty damn well and people are LOVING it), my Twitter has been gradually gaining followers due to my shilling on the aforementioned clip, I've actually got myself a mutual on Twitter who isn't an IRL friend and semi-regularly interacts with my posts (they follow me here too, you know who you are, and I really appreciate the interaction, especially on the non-art stuff like my random shower thoughts or Eitr lore or rants about games (though I still really appreciate all the nice things you say about my art too)), I've made my favorite art piece ever...online life is going great.

So yeah, little rant over. Thanks for reading.

Posted by treeese - June 24th, 2021

This one's been a sort of ongoing project, and the original drawing/post has been changing constantly, but thankfully I should be done. She now has a name (Marceline, or, more officially, "Marceline, the Angel in Black:) and a super slick art-deco-themed lingerie outfit, and I'm very proud of it! I didn't want to reupload/repost the drawing, hence why I'm making a newspost calling attention to the change.

Here's the link to the post: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/treeese/divine-light

Posted by treeese - June 21st, 2021

For those who don't know, EX-LYD is a chiptune artist I've recently fallen in love with, he's super talented and extremely underrated. He's made a ton of really good songs, like these:

And he just announced on his Twitter that a new album is coming!: https://twitter.com/ex_lyd/status/1406921286429904897

I'm super excited, particularly because the songs in this teaser sound amazing!

But yeah, that's all I wanted to say. Give EX-LYD a listen, he's super good. Another "big" drawing is almost done, so stay tuned for that.



Posted by treeese - June 18th, 2021

For those not in the know I have a thread on Twitter where I post lore and character tidbits for the weird kind of universe/story for Eitr that I have yet to fully flesh out. Over the past 30 minutes or so I've been updating the fuck out of it, mostly with information pertaining to the other elementals within the story like Eitr's mother and half-sister, such as descriptions of my ideas for their visual designs, what they're like personality wise, etc. If you're interested in that kind of stuff, about learning more about this OC that I spend so much time talking about and working on, then check it out: https://twitter.com/treese_/status/1386084893931839492?s=19

Posted by treeese - June 18th, 2021

I legit have been unable to get the idea of Eitr with a Lucina-style cut out of my head for like a solid WEEK. It's a very exciting and enticing prospect, but the idea of actually DRAWING it, what with my still in-pain arm from editing the Everhood video, is just...eugh.

I don't know what to do, though I think I know that deep down the only way to solve this conundrum is to indulge my idea and embark on another big Eitr drawing with a drastic change to one of her most fundamental identifying traits. I've generally had a hard time making each Eitr drawing look as if they're..."depicting the same person," I guess, so I can't imagine how this will even further complicate that.

Who knows, maybe it'll be a fun artistic challenge? I'll have to see when my arm stops hurting.

Posted by treeese - June 16th, 2021

That's right, I've officially committed the 8th cardinal sin and made a YouTube video where I talk about stupid video games, specifically the video game Everhood, which has had a tight grip on my nutsack for the past month. After 3 days of almost non-stop writing, recording, editing, and arm pain as a result of those things, one of my most ambitious projects to date is finished and available to watch on YouTube. Please give it a watch and let me know what you think, I worked very hard on it and am very proud of how it turned out, and I'd like some constructive feedback on what I can improve upon for whatever video I might make next.

Thank you so much to those who watch this little passion project of mine. As for art, I don't know what's coming next or when it will be, but it might be a bit as making this video has put my right arm in a ton of pain from the constant mouse usage, so it might be a while. I've been constantly tormented by the idea of Eitr with long hair, so I might have to cave in and make that.

Until then, please watch this video I made, it would mean a lot to me.


Posted by treeese - June 15th, 2021

Lotta stuff has been happening recently, let's talk about it.

So...yeah. I guess I'm part of the art portal now, all thanks to someone named @Linkellx. I guess it's nice to know that someone out there believes that my work is quality enough to belong there amongst all of the incredible stuff that gets posted on this site. I don't know if I would 100% agree with that sentiment, I'm still very new to drawing and my art is still frankly pretty rough, but maybe I'm just too self-critical? I don't know, either way, it's still quite exciting. We'll have to see how this will affect things like what I make or how long I spend on them. Maybe this potential new ocean of eyes will scare me into trying harder and working longer on my art? I dunno.

As for the other thing, this is what I've been devoting all of my time to as of late: a 21-minute long video review of the criminally underrated Everhood. I slammed it together in just three days of almost constant writing, recording, and editing, oh my GOD the editing. Might actually take a little break from computer usage for a day or two to let my arm rest up after all the typing and mouse usage, it is in a LOT of pain. Despite my moaning, though, it was really fun to make and I think it's one of the best things I've ever made. It goes live today at 4 p.m., so please please PLEASE give it a watch, I poured a lot of soul into it and want it to do well.

Remember, it goes like at 4 p.m. Turn notifications on if you must, I really want people to see it.

That's all, folks. Thanks again to @Linkellx for scouting me, and thanks to anyone who watches this passion project of mine that has been my life for the past few days. I'll be off watching the Nintendo Direct stream, later!



Posted by treeese - June 12th, 2021

After posting that doodle thing I decided to dig through my old Piskel account and post all the cringy, embarrassingly awful sprites I've made over the years. Maybe it can serve to document just how much I've improved over time? IDK, I just felt like posting them, as they were what led me to where I am now, and where I might go in the future, so in a way, I'm quite thankful for them.

Posted by treeese - June 10th, 2021

Finally got my 2nd Covid shot yesterday, and GODDAMN are the horror stories of what happens afterwards true.


See this image? This is an accurate representation of how I feel at the moment, that is, COMPLETE SHIT. I'm running a 100.7, I'm cold as shit, my legs REALLY don't want to stand up, and any contact w/ my left arm is excruciatingly painful. Fun times.

Oh! And let's not forget the excruciating headache. That rules too.

So yeah, no new stuff like art (not like I really had any in the works) or updates to VCG today.


Posted by treeese - June 7th, 2021


what do