That's right, I've officially committed the 8th cardinal sin and made a YouTube video where I talk about stupid video games, specifically the video game Everhood, which has had a tight grip on my nutsack for the past month. After 3 days of almost non-stop writing, recording, editing, and arm pain as a result of those things, one of my most ambitious projects to date is finished and available to watch on YouTube. Please give it a watch and let me know what you think, I worked very hard on it and am very proud of how it turned out, and I'd like some constructive feedback on what I can improve upon for whatever video I might make next.
Thank you so much to those who watch this little passion project of mine. As for art, I don't know what's coming next or when it will be, but it might be a bit as making this video has put my right arm in a ton of pain from the constant mouse usage, so it might be a while. I've been constantly tormented by the idea of Eitr with long hair, so I might have to cave in and make that.
Until then, please watch this video I made, it would mean a lot to me.