I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to posting all that stuff I said I would, or really doing much of anything these past few days, I've either been doing shit my parents told me to do with my little brother, recovering from a rejection from a girl I was really into, or playing video games to rest up after/take my mind off of those things, so I haven't had the time or been in the mood to work on preparing those pieces of writing for publishing or make some new art. Don't know how long it will take for new stuff to come out, but it shouldn't be too awful long.
I appreciate the new fans from the graduation post thing, ya'll are great.
There's no rush man. Life is important and it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Looking forward to what you put up, but also hoping you feel better soon.
Thanks. Things have cooled down this weekend and I've done a pretty good job taking my mind of the girl, so something should be coming soon™.